Claudia Ludowika Herstatt (1948-2012)
Claudia Herstatt, a highly respected cultural journalist, was well connected in the German and international art scene. She worked as a correspondent in Brussels and Zurich for the magazine “art” and wrote the weekly “Art Market” column for “Die Zeit” from 2000-2006. She regularly published articles on individual artists, exhibitions and international art fairs in Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Weltkunst, Kunstforum and Welt am Sonntag.
She has also passed on her profound knowledge of the art market in her books (Fit für den Kunstmarkt, Women Gallerists in the 20th and 21th Centuries). In 1991, she was the spokesperson for “documenta IX” and the right hand of Jan Hoet, the artistic director of Documenta IX, which gave her direct and profound access to contemporary art. Unfortunately, Claudia Herstatt passed away far too early after a short illness in Hamburg. She is still greatly missed by her family and many of her friends.