Films and documentaries
There are several films and documentaries produced by or about the Herstatts themselves. Here is a small selection
In 1929, Iwan Herstatt (1887-1955) had privately produced an elaborate crime film for the time with friends and family, and all possibilites werde used, be it on water, in the air or even with rocket cars. A Bedouin tent was erected in the Südpark in Cologne Marienburg and camels were borrowed from a travelling circus, a grand spectacle. Unfortunately, the film has disappeared and only the script and photos of the shooting still exist.

„Oh Donna Clara“
One year later (1930), the next generation wanted to show that they too had talent for film production. Under the direction of Gerd Brügelmann, a close childhood friend of Iwan D. Herstatt (1913-1995), the film “Oh Donna Clara” was produced. Iwan D. Herstatt and many other friends played in the crime film. The beautiful Clara (Liesel Seligmann) is kidnapped by a spurned admirer (Hartmut Küchen) and boyfriend (Helmut Peill), Clara’s boyfriend (Walter Brecht) is tied up after wild chases, laid on railway tracks and saves himself at the last second from the approaching train. The villain is ultimately brought to heel by a well-aimed golf shot by Iwan D. Herstatt. A scene that was “repeated” 30 years later in an episode of “Avengers” by John Steed. The film has been preserved.

„Iwan D. Herstatt as a guest of Alfred Biolek“
In 1992, Iwan D. Herstatt (1913-1995) was invited by Alfred Biolek to appear on his programme “Boulevard Bio” on ARD. During the interview on the occasion of the book launch “Die Vernichtung” (The Destruction), Iwan D. Herstatt told how, from his point of view, the demise of the bank was possible and how he fared afterwards.
ARD Film “Dreams of Life“ (Lebensträume)
Directed by Klaus Balzer, the film “Iwan D. Herstatt – Millionen verdattelt” was released on ARD in 2006. “LEBENSTRÄUME” was a documentary series that showed the rise and fall of extraordinary entrepreneurs from the economic miracle era, Max Grundig, Iwan D. Herstatt, Willi Messerschmitt and Alfons Müller-Wipperfürth. All the films are characterised by thorough research and objective presentation and are well worth seeing.
ARD Satire „Goldjungs“
In 2021, the film satire called “Goldjungs” was broadcast on ARD. The Herstatt bankruptcy is portrayed completely bypassing reality on the basis of the foreign exchange traders called Goldjungs and a fictitious frame story. The Herstatt family distanced themselves accordingly. Even if one wants to put on generosity under the guise of satire and artistic freedom, one must not deliberately lie even in a satire. For example, the chief foreign exchange dealer Dany Dattel, who is mentioned by name, worked in the bank until it collapsed and not as the film claims, left earlier. The true background remains in the dark, the viewer learns nothing about the fraud. Iwan D. Herstatt is portrayed as a person who only has carnival and not the bank on his mind. He also supposedly already suffers from sleeping sickness, which only emerges much later, and doesn’t notice anything. With so much pretence and lies, it would have been fair to replace the names Gerling and Herstatt with fictitious names. The slapstick film is only suitable for lovers of shrill music, clothes and cars from the 70s. There is no depth (neither the characters nor the motives of the golden boys are explored) or a morally justifiable ending (just keep on gambling and it will turn out well for the leading lady).