The Herstatts:
Tradition and facets of an entrepreneurial family
The Herstatt family, with Huguenot roots, has had an eventful past with many successes, but also setbacks. Over many centuries, it has demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and shown a good example of a respected family of the upper class through diligence, skill and striving for Christian values.
For many generations, the family members were always limited to a small circle of people, but they managed to keep the family name and tradition alive until today.
The scandal surrounding the collapse of Herstatt Bank: First-hand family report
In 1974, the name Herstatt was repeatedly in the press due to the bankruptcy of the Herstatt Bank. A lot of right but also a lot of wrong things were written and the wrong things were written off again and again. For this reason, the family wants to present the story here at first hand.
The truth about the bankruptcy of Herstatt Bank
“The Destruction”
by Iwan D. Herstatt
Iwan D. Herstatt had published his book “Die Vernichtung“ (The Destruction) in 1992 and listed the true background for the bank closure. The book is long out of print, but can be downloaded as a PDF file from this website free of charge for private purposes.
The book has long been out of print, but can be downloaded here as a PDF file for private use free of charge. To do this, please click on the book cover.
More than just a bank failure: insights into the history of the Herstatt family
There is much more interesting to tell about the family than just a banking scandal in the 70s of the 20th century. We invite you to get to know a family history with a 400-year history and all the ups and downs.